Cleaning cast-nets after a harvest in Indonesia
Happy farmers after sorting and grading a shrimp harvest in Indonesia
Happy harvest buyers transport iced shrimp to processors in Indonesia
Harvest team in India
Seine net being managed by staff during a harvest in India
Staff doing a partial harvest with a cast-net in India
Harvested shrimp in crates waiting to be packed with ice in India
Harvested shrimp in India
Shrimp being packed under ice in India
Happy harvest team in India
Sluice gate sock net used in Ecuador
Rented mobile central axel pumps used in Thailand to drain ponds
Mobile central axel pump used to drain ponds during harvests in Thailand
Buyers harvest team preparing their harvest gear in the early morning in Thailand
Harvest team collecting shrimp in a sock-net and transporting shrimp in buckets to be rinsed in Thailand
Rinsing harvested shrimp in Thailand
Buyers harvest vehicle with aerated tanks with ice to transport shrimp to a local shrimp grading center and market
Seine-net used to harvest shrimp in Vietnam
Staff pull seine net across a pond to harvest shrimp in Vietnam
Staff pull seine net across a pond to harvest shrimp in Vietnam
Staff places shrimp in bags on a rack ready for transport to a processor in Vietnam
Buyer weighs harvested shrimp on a digital scale
Weighing in shrimp after harvest
Buyers lantern cages used to hold live shrimp during transport
Staff weigh harvested shrimp on a mechanical scale in Vietnam
Staff weigh harvested shrimp on a mechanical scale in Vietnam
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